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Prayer Burdens, Week of November 7

Dear Saints,

For the prayer meeting, we suggest taking the following verses from HWMR of Crystallization-Study of Joshua Judges Ruth (Volume Two)

Week 10

Day 3 Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light.

Day 5 2 Cor. 11:2 For I am jealous over you with a jealousy of God; for I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.


International Thanksgiving Blending Conference (November 25-28, 2021)

The general subject of the conference is Living in and with the Divine Trinity. May the Lord strengthen and supply the speaking brothers for the release of His present burden to the churches through this conference. Please continue to pray that many saints would prepare their hearts to receive and respond to His speaking to the recovery.

Table Meeting of all the Districts

We are full of joy to resume meeting again physically with one another for the Lord's table meeting! Pray for the Lord's full covering and blessing over this Lord's day to grant the saints a wonderful, good beginning of the table meeting. May we all bring the rich surplus to exhibit Christ that the Father would gain the full satisfaction from His many sons worshipping in spirit and truthfulness!

Prayer for the situation in Ethiopia

As Africa’s second-most populous nation, with over 110 million people, 90 different ethnic groups and 80 languages, Ethiopia has been embroiled in a civil war that began in November 2020 in the Tigray Region. It risks descending into an all-out war as rebels advance on the capital, threatening the future of the country, as well as the stability of the wider Horn of Africa region (on Friday the US State Department advised all US citizens to leave the country as soon as possible). This is a letter from the brothers in Ethiopia:

The war that was started one year ago in the northern part of Ethiopia now is spreading southwards. and the main war zones are getting closer to Addis Ababa and the main import-export corridor of the country which is on the way to Djibouti

As you all are well aware the truth of the Lord’s recovery is spreading all over the country and saints are enjoying the ministry in a way that never happened before. In Oromiya and southern regions there is a great potential of raising up many churches. In the present situation the potential for the spreading of the ministry is not only in Ethiopia but also in the eastern African region is great. For instance, the relationship between East African countries is becoming stronger. The Ethiopian government is giving scholarships to students from East African nations. Now we have students from South Sudan and Somalia. In one of the campuses our students have good contact with four South Sudanese students. These students are enjoying the ministry. We feel that the enemy is not happy.

The brothers in Ethiopia request your prayers that our Lord will keep the country open for the Lord's move and the situation of the country may remain open for the propagation of the ministry and rising up of churches.

Pray against all the evil forces to bind Satan and his strategies, along with the release of the Lord’s blessing on His move and the release of God’s truth in Ethiopia and Eastern Africa. Also pray for brother Paul’s current visit to Cameroon, Uganda and Tanzania, and the saints and churches there.

Blending Conference Among the Churches in Israel

This Saturday there will be a one day conference for the saints in Israel.Please pray for this time of fellowship and blending among all the churches for sake of the Lord's testimony in Israel.




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Atlanta, GA 30345


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PO Box 678
Tucker, GA 30085

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