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Prayer Burdens, Week of January 11

For the prayer meeting, we suggest taking the following verses from HWMR of The All-inclusive, Extensive Christ Replacing Culture for the One New Man:

Col. 1:27 — To whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Heb. 7:25 — Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them.


Lord's Move in Europe Praise the Lord for His move to Europe in the one accord in the Body! May we all open to the released burden concerning the Lord's move and our response for the strengthening of the following cities by going, praying, and giving. The six cities in Europe are as follows: Barcelona, Spain; Dublin, Ireland; Lisbon, Portugal; Rome, Italy; Zurich, Switzerland; and Brussels, Belgium.

Strengthening of the Prayer Ministry During this pandemic, may we all realize the current age we are living in and see the importance of the prayer ministry in the economy of God. Please pray that we all rise up inwardly to enter into this burden and set up the times for prayer with ourselves or with other saints for Him to carry out His heavenly ministry for His imminent return.

GTCA Please pray that ten target cities will be continually under the Lord's blessing and that the Lord would supply the needs of each city through the Body.

Campus team in Atlanta Within the limited environment, may the Lord be our wisdom and the way to contact and shepherd the new ones. May we also pray for the health and safety of all the serving saints and students.


We warmly welcome you to the church in Atlanta.  We are believers in Jesus Christ from all backgrounds who gather locally to be the Lord’s testimony in Atlanta. 


2345 Shallowford Rd NE

Atlanta, GA 30345


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Church in Atlanta
PO Box 678
Tucker, GA 30085

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