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Prayer Burdens, Week of April 18

For the prayer meeting, we suggest taking the following verses from HWMR of Crystallization-Study of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes:

Psa. 119:48 And I will lift up my hand to Your commandments, which I love...

2 Tim. 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.

John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life;...the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.


Hymns, #811.


Strengthening of the Prayer Ministry of the Church

May all the saints be watchful and prayerful concerning the age that we are living in and be willing to give themselves by redeeming the times (specifically the prayer meetings of the church) and cooperating with the Lord in His heavenly ministry to carry out His eternal economy to consummate this age.

Lord's Move in Israel

Since the beginning of this pandemic, the Lord has gained 25 new ones that have begun to meet with the saints and enjoy the ministry. Of these new ones, some have been baptized and have entered the meetings of the church, while others are still being shepherded in the home meetings and group meetings. Pray that each one would be established in the church life with a vision of God's economy for the shining of the golden lampstand in Israel.

Prayer for the Upcoming Conferences in Europe

Please continue to pray for the French-speaking conference (April 23 - 25) and the Spring Central and Eastern Europe and Balkans Blending Conference (April 30 - May 2) that the Lord would bless and cover the conferences for the sake of the strengthening of the churches in Europe and the spreading of the kingdom gospel in Europe.

Prayer for the Campus Labor in Atlanta

Pray for the Lord to begin sanctifying the freshmen He's marked out for us to contact this summer---that He would arrange their outward environment and prepare the ground of their hearts to 1) receive the high gospel, 2) be brought into day-to-day church life, and 3) eventually give themselves to His purpose to build-up His Body and be a factor of His return.



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