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Life-Study of John

Updated: Apr 24

Weekly Life-Study Reading

Message 31—The Dispensing of the Triune God for the Producing of His Abode (3) [367]

Message 32—The Dispensing of the Triune God for the Producing of His Abode (4) [377]

Week of April 22, 2024—Messages Thirty-One and Thirty-Two

Message Thirty-One

  1. What four points indicate the relationship between the Father and the Son? Give supporting verses.

  2. What are twelve aspects of the Son realized as the Spirit abiding in the believers? Give verse references.

Message Thirty-Two

  1. How does the Triune God make His abode with us, His believers? Relate this practically to our loving the Son, keeping His commandments and enjoying His presence.

  2. What does it mean for the Comforter, the Holy Spirit to be sent in the Son’s name? How does this uplift our appreciation of calling on the Lord?

Week of April 15, 2024—Messages Twenty-Nine and Thirty

Week of April 8, 2024—Messages Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight

Week of April 1, 2024—Messages Twenty-Five and Twenty-Six

Week of March 25, 2024—Messages Twenty-Three and Twenty-Four

Week of March 18, 2024—Messages Twenty-One and Twenty-Two

Week of March 11, 2024—Messages Nineteen and Twenty

Week of March 4, 2024—Messages Seventeen and Eighteen

Week of February 26, 2024—Messages Fifteen and Sixteen

Week of February 19, 2024—Messages Thirteen and Fourteen

Week of February 12, 2024—Messages Eleven and Twelve

Week of February 5, 2024—Messages Nine and Ten

Week of January 29, 2024—Messages Seven and Eight

Week of January 22, 2024—Messages Five and Six

Week of January 15, 2024—Messages Three and Four

Week of January 8, 2024—Messages One and Two


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