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Care Packages for FTTA Trainees

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the production of care packages for the FTTA trainees this term!

The Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) is a two-year post-graduate training program designed to perfect the young saints in the areas of Bible truth, the experience of Christ as life, gospel outreach, and service. A few saints from Atlanta have scheduled a trip to Anaheim to visit the Atlanta-sent trainees on September 27-29. We would like to send with them care packages on behalf of the church to supply, strengthen, encourage, and cherish the trainees. These care packages will be of two parts: 1) cards and notes from the saints and 2) gift cards to local shops that are convenient to the trainees.


These are the most important part of the packages and the greatest need. Trainees love to hear from home and get hand-drawn/colored pictures from kids! You can email a message to and we will print it out for you, or you can handwrite a note and relay it to your district point-person (see below) by the Lord's day morning meeting on September 22nd. Current Atlanta-sent/related trainees are:

  • Diego Calero (4th term)

  • Crystal Young (3rd term)

  • Lingling Lin (3rd term)

  • Meron Kiros (2nd term)

  • Xiangyu (Melo) Wang (1st term)

  • Mengting Wei (1st term)

If you would like to include a note to another trainee not listed above, you may also do that.

The list of the designated district point persons is as follows:

  • District 1: Caroline Chang

  • District 2: Rebecca Peel

  • District 3: Paul and Ashley Tashman

  • District 4 and Burmese-speaking: Monique Williamson

  • Chinese speaking: Joy Muller or Eileen Song

  • Spanish speaking: Claudia Puerto

  • Korean speaking: Crystal Yim

Gift cards

In addition to encouraging notes, we would also like to include a few gift cards to provide for the practical needs and cherishing of the trainees. If you would like to contribute toward these gift cards, you may do so by September 22nd at this link: amount is welcome.


We will also be creating care packages for the local students later in the semester and details related to those care packages are forthcoming. For those care packages, the saints will have the ability to contribute baked goods and other material items. As always, with both the trainee and student care packages, feel free to participate according to your feeling and ability.

May the Lord richly bless all these dear saints with Himself through the remainder of this term/semester and gain in them what He is after for the consummation of the age!



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