The Holy Word for Morning Revival
This week we will be in week 10 of the Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings: The Lord’s Recovery — to Build Up Zion.
Print: LSM Bookstore
eBooks: Apple Books, Kindle, Google Books
Direct Mail Service (DMS): A subscription allows you to receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication automatically.
As a practical reminder to the saints, the space provided at the end of each week is for composing a short prophecy. This prophecy can be composed by considering all of our daily notes, the "harvest" of our inspirations during the week, and preparing a main point with some sub-points to be spoken in the church meetings for the organic building up of the Body of Christ.
Prayer Meeting
The prayer meeting of the church will be held in person by districts every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. An option to meet on Zoom will be available. Please see the church calendar for the locations and prayer burdens.
Ministry Meeting
The general subject of the ministry meetings is Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Learning Christ as the Reality is in Jesus. The church will watch the message tonight at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please see the church calendar for the Zoom links and outlines for each language.
December Video Training
Dates: Tuesday, December 27, 2022—Friday, January 6, 2023
Registration Due Date: The video training registration due date is December 12, 2022, and the training donation is $129 USD ($125+cc processing fees) per seat. Any registration received after that time will incur a late charge of $25.00 USD in addition to the required video training donation for each trainee.
Please register for the Video Training at 2022 Winter Training Video Registration.
History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery
We now have the book, History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery, The (2 volume set), in the D4 book room. Copies are available at LSM's discounted price. The price for the English, Chinese, or Korean version is $10 per set, and the price for the Spanish version is $18 per set.
Bible Reading: 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther
In light of this upcoming training, we have started a new Bible reading schedule to help those who desire to attend this training to prepare themselves: 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Bible Challenge.
New LSM Ministry Books Website
Living Stream Ministry has recently updated its Ministry Books website. The functionality of this website has been greatly increased. On the new site, a limited number of publications can be read for free, including all the Life-studies. Access to The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The Collected Works Witness Lee, and The Conclusion of the New Testament is available through a monthly or yearly subscription. Visit ministrybooks.org for more details.
An Update Concerning Europe
Watch a video report concerning Europe that includes the need for enlarged training facilities, the burden for Bibles to be distributed throughout Europe and the visitation of Bible recipients, and reports from different areas and cities across Europe.
Southeast Blending Conferences Archive
The messages from the various Southeast Blending Conferences are available on our church app (link) or via our media website.
World Wars and the Church
The brothers who oversee Living Stream Ministry have recommended a portion from Watchman Nee’s collected works that is relevant to the current world situation: https://www.churchinatlanta.org/post/world-wars-and-the-church.