For the prayer meeting, we suggest taking the following verses from HWMR of The All-inclusive, Extensive Christ Replacing Culture for the One New Man:
Ezek. 36:26 — I will also give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.
Matt. 24:14 — And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Eph. 2:17 — And coming, He announced peace as the gospel.
Reading (Lessons on Prayer, Chapter 18 Part 2) | Hymn 16
Gospel To All the Nations (Saturday, February 20, 2021, at 4 PM) The next gospel to all the nations session will be held on Zoom this Saturday, February 20, 2021, at 4 PM. This will be the continuation of the fellowship from the Gospel of John. Pray that through the sharing the Lord could reveal how the life of Christ meets the needs of every person and that each participant could enjoy the pure ministry of the Word as the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 24:14).
Full-Time Training in London (FTTL) The 2021 spring semester of the Full-time Training in London (FTTL) will begin on the 8th of March(being delayed to 8 March). Please pray for the following burdens: 1) The perfecting of the young European saints for the Lord’s move in these crucial days. 2) The granting of the visas for the saints to remain in, or to come to, the training. May the Ruler of the kings of the Earth overrule in these applications! 3) The trainees to be in the training in a good way next term, despite increased international travel restrictions and the health threat.
Church in Atlanta Meeting Hall On Tuesday, February 9, the Board of Commissions of DeKalb County unanimously approved our Special Land Use Permit, and we are now advancing the site and building permit process in earnest. Please pray for the Lord's will to be done with respect to the construction team and to lead the Brothers in the best way to carry out the building work. Pray also that the Lord would release the finances for the project.
Distribution of the Recovery Version in Israel Please pray for many different doors for the distribution of the Recovery Version in Israel to be opened. May the Lord fully bless every aspect of this distribution for His move in this important country.