The Holy Word for Morning Revival
This week we will be in weeks 5 and 6 of God’s Economy in Faith: Speaking by the Spirit of Faith and The Linking Faith—the Faith of the Overcomers.

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Direct Mail Service (DMS): A DMS subscription allows you to automatically receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication.
Prayer Meeting
The prayer meeting of the church starts every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Please see the church calendar for locations.
Ministry Meeting
The ministry meeting will resume on August 21, 2022. Please see the church calendar for details.
Labor Day Weekend Blending Meeting
This year we will have a Labor day weekend blending meeting on September 4, 2022. More Information >>
International Thanksgiving Blending Conference
This year's Thanksgiving weekend blending conference will be held in Washington, DC from November 24 to 27, 2022. Hotel reservation link: https://book.passkey.com/go/LSM
Please contact Stephen Adams if you wish to order through the church bookroom.
Life-Study of Pentateuch (Genesis -- Deuteronomy), (9 volume set) (Hardbound) List Price: $310.00 $90.00 plus tax -70.97% (LSM Bookstore)

Life-Study of the New Testament, Conclusion Messages—Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ, (3 Volume Set - Hardbound)
List Price: $115.00 $40.00 plus tax -65.22% (LSM Bookstore)

History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery, The (2 volume set)
List Price: $27.00 $10.00 plus tax -62.96% (LSM Bookstore)
Sister Pat Little's Memorial Meeting
Our Sister Pat Little's memorial gathering will take place on Saturday, August 27, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. in the church's meeting hall in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Update Concerning Brother Benson Phillips
Read a report from Benson Phillips' family regarding his present health status: https://www.churchinatlanta.org/post/update-concerning-brother-benson-phillips.
An Update Concerning Europe
Watch a video report concerning Europe that includes the need for enlarged training facilities, the burden for Bibles to be distributed throughout Europe and the visitation of Bible recipients, and reports from different areas and cities across Europe.
2022 Southeast Blending Conference Archive
The messages from the Southeast Blending Conference are available on our church app (link) or our conference webpage (link).
2022 Southeast Chinese-Speaking Conference Archive
The messages from the Southeast Chinese-Speaking Blending Conference are available on our church app (link) or via our media website.
2022 Southeast Spanish-Speaking Conference Archive
The messages from the Southeast Spanish-Speaking Blending Conference are available on our church app (link) or via our media website.
World Wars and the Church
The brothers who oversee Living Stream Ministry have recommended a portion from Watchman Nee’s collected works that is relevant to the current world situation: https://www.churchinatlanta.org/post/world-wars-and-the-church.