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Prayer Burdens, Week of November 28

Dear Saints,

For the prayer meeting, we suggest taking the following verses from HWMR of Meeting God's Need and Present Needs in the Lord's Recovery

Week 1

Day 5 Phil. 2:12-13 ... Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who operates in you...

Day 6 Rev. 12: 10-11 ... Now has come the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ, for the accuser of our brothers has been cast down....And they overcame him because of the blood...and...the word of their testimony...


Registration for December Semi-annual Training ( The video training registration due date is December 5, 2021)

Please continue to pray that the saints would be fully released to register and participate in the training that they would be trained and perfected under the ministry of the age to meet the Lord's present need.

2021 International Thanksgiving Conference

Please pray that the Lord’s hand will follow His word spoken in the Thanksgiving conference to gain a people in His recovery who have the full experience and enjoyment of living in and with the Divine Trinity.

In-person Meetings of the Districts

May the Lord preserve His interest in the Church in Atlanta during this transition to the in-person meetings that the saints would be safeguarded in the light of the pandemic and the recent development of the coronavirus. Pray for the Lord's wisdom to be imparted to the saints to lead and guide us in our gathering together according to His perfect will. Please also pray for the healing and restoration of the affected saints who are still ill from the virus.




We warmly welcome you to the church in Atlanta.  We are believers in Jesus Christ from all backgrounds who gather locally to be the Lord’s testimony in Atlanta. 


2345 Shallowford Rd NE

Atlanta, GA 30345


Thanks for submitting!

Church in Atlanta
PO Box 678
Tucker, GA 30085

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