The Holy Word for Morning Revival
This week we will be in week 10 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Samuel, Volume 2: David, Mephibosheth, and the Kindness of God.

Print: LSM Bookstore
eBooks: Apple Books, Kindle, Google Books
Direct Mail Service (DMS): A DMS subscription allows you to automatically receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication.
Ministry Meeting
Ministry meeting will start at 5 pm tonight.
Prayer Meeting
The prayer meeting of the church starts every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Please see the church calendar for locations.
Summer School of Truth
Topic: God's Full Salvation
When: This Summer School of Truth will be an overnight event, starting on Thursday, June 23 at 10:00am through the Lord's day, June 26 at 6:00pm
Where: Athens, GA (meetings at the meeting hall, hospitality with the saints)
Who: All young people from rising 7th graders to rising 12th graders
Registration is now closed.
July 2022 Semiannual Training
Subject: Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Kings
Video Training (Zoom): Tuesday, July 5, 2022—Saturday, July 16, 2022.
Registration due date for the video training is June 19, 2022.
Resources: Living Stream has prepared a number of resources to help those who desire to attend this training to properly prepare themselves.
2022 College Training

This year the College Training will be held in person. In the Southeast, we will be gathering in Athens, GA on July 20th-24th.
Early Registration Deadline is June 1 ($295)
Final Registration Deadline is June 12th ($330)
More information can be found at collegetraining.org.
2022 Southeast Blending Conference Archive
The messages from the Southeast Blending Conference are available on our church app (link) or our conference webpage (link).
2022 Southeast Chinese-Speaking Conference Archive
The messages from the Southeast Chinese-Speaking Blending Conference are available on our church app (link) or via our media website.
2022 Southeast Spanish-Speaking Conference Archive
The messages from the Southeast Spanish-Speaking Blending Conference are available on our church app (link) or via our media website.
World Wars and the Church
The brothers who oversee Living Stream Ministry have recommended a portion from Watchman Nee’s collected works that is relevant to the current world situation: https://www.churchinatlanta.org/post/world-wars-and-the-church.
Ukraine Updates
Please see our posts for updates regarding Ukraine: