Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 North and South America Korean-Speaking Blending Conference will be held online via Zoom from Saturday, October 28, 2023, to Lord's Day, October 29, 2023. Starting from this conference, we would like to extend an invitation to all Korean-speaking saints in South America.

The meeting schedule is as follows (all times are PDT local time):
1st meeting: Saturday, October 28, 05:00PM to 6:10PM (Message 1)
*Blending in the breakout rooms (6:10~6:30 PM)
2nd meeting: Lord’s Day, October 29, 09:00 to 09:30 AM (Lord's Table)
3rd meeting: 09:30 to 10:35 AM (Message 2)
*15 Minutes Break (10:35~10:50 AM)
4th meeting: 10:50 to 11:50 AM
*Blending in the breakout rooms (11:50~12:10 PM)
*Presentation and Announcement (12:10~12:30 PM)
[General Subject]
Living and Serving According to God's Economy Concerning the Church
(Same general subject as the October 2023 ITERO)
[Conference website]
[Zoom Link]
Meeting ID: 832 3050 1236
Please encourage all the Korean-speaking saints in your localities and areas to join this conference for the blending in the Body for the reality of the Body.
Thank you. In Christ for His Body, Korean-speaking coworkers (Jasper Kim, Joshua Kim, Ezra Paik)