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The history of the local churches dates back to the time of the New Testament.  The only two times that Jesus mentioned the church in the Gospels was in Matthew 16:18 and 18:17 where he said “I will build my church” and “tell it to the church,” respectively.  Here Jesus’s church is universal, which includes all believers regardless of time and space (Matthew 16:18), yet it also exists specifically with regard to time and space (Matthew 18:17), i.e. the local churches.

After Christ's resurrection from the dead, about 3,000 people in Jerusalem repented, believed, were baptized, and continued in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles (Acts 2:38-42).  They gathered daily in the temple and in their homes, partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God (Acts 2:46-47)!  The first use of the word “church” in Acts refers to the believers in Jerusalem as simply “the whole church” (Acts 5:11), meaning the called out (congregation), or assembly (Greek ekklesia).  In Acts 8:1 they were referred to as “the church which was in Jerusalem”.  This is the first church established in the Bible in Acts and it included all the believers living in Jerusalem.  The record concerning the establishing of the church in its locality is consistent throughout the New Testament (Acts 13:1; 14:23; Romans 16:1; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 8:1; Gal. 1:2; Revelation 1:4, 11).


Although the practice of meeting as the church in its city was lost throughout the centuries, some Christians began meeting as the church in Atlanta in the early 1970s. That early period was marked by much growth and ____ among the members. 


Since then, the church has been a spiritual home for thousands of believers and has been instrumental in gospel preaching and church planting efforts throughout North America and abroad.


Campus outreach work?

Start of D2.

Jubilee Anniversary (50th year)

Through actively preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and shepherding one another, we have grown to over 400 active members in Atlanta.   meeting at two locations.  In addition to meeting on Sunday, we like to gather in the homes of the church members for prayer, fellowship, and reading the Bible throughout the week.  We are in fellowship with over 2,000 local churches worldwide to express the one Body of Christ.


In 2023, we will celebrate our Jubilee anniversary (50th year — Lev. 25:10; Luke 4:18-19).


We warmly welcome you to the church in Atlanta.  We are believers in Jesus Christ from all backgrounds who gather locally to be the Lord’s testimony in Atlanta. 


2345 Shallowford Rd NE

Atlanta, GA 30345


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Church in Atlanta
PO Box 678
Tucker, GA 30085

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